
All set to head to Target!

Shopping around...

Still deciding...

So proud of checking out by herself :-)

At home playing with her new biking barbie! :)

Yesterday I took Whitney on a special trip to Target to pick out her birthday present from Mimi. My mom sent her a Target gift card (Whit totally loves Target...no idea where she got that from...ha!) Anyway, she was so excited! As soon as we got in the car she started talking about how she wanted a new barbie...she shopped around a little bit when we got there but basically just stuck to looking at barbies and in the end chose this cute barbie that really rides her bike (Papi would love this choice) we had so much fun! Thanks Mimi!

Texas Love!

P.S. Yes she is wearing a princess crown...this is new along with only wearing dresses! I totally love it! It just cracks me up :-) What a princess!