
If you follow our blog you probably know our family pretty well. Which means you know that my hubby is a MAJOR football fan and has a total love for the Chiefs. He loves all things football but he has had season tickets to the Chiefs games with his dad since he was a preschooler. I never really was a football fan at all until I started watching Scott play in high school and then over time I came to enjoy curling up on the couch and watching games with him. It is fun to share in something he enjoys so much. Over the years I have had some favorite players...never really a favorite team. In the past few years I have loved following Tim Tebow and his amazing passion for Christ and the way he shares it even through football. Scott likes Tebow too he just despises the Broncos...of course....they are a  major Chiefs rival ;) But he loves me SOOO much he brought me home a Tebow shirt :) Yippee! You can't really see it in the pic with my big ol' prego self but the back even has his name and number! :) I love this time of year!  I hope you enjoy some football this season! I know we will! xoxoxo

P.S. One Month from TODAY!!! :) I am ready!
So we have totally been avoiding the girls favorite place for quite awhile and last night we finally caved and took them....can you guess where we were?

That's right...Chuck E Cheese!
Loovve this one! Mal is totally hyper...Whit is about to run off to the next game and Scott looks like he could use a drink! :) ha!

We actually had a good time...well the girls had a good time and Scott and I enjoyed the four of us being together and watching the girls have such a blast :)
Last weekend we headed out to Old Settler's Day in downtown Olathe...we hadn't been in a few years due to the distance ;) We figured we should check it out and see if anything has changed...it hasn't. Same old craziness and I will say no more...if you are from here and grew up going to Old Settlers you know what I am talking about! xoxo

Our best buddy, my precious little nephew turned 7 months last week....how cute is he!!??

So...I have been slacking on updating. I have been taking lots of pictures I just haven't been uploading them to the computer :) But I have a good excuse...hubby was able to stay for an extra week at the last minute! Praise Jesus! He had flown in for a long weekend the Friday before last and when he was at the airport checking in for his flight back Tuesday afternoon he got a call from work asking him to stay and work on a project here in Kansas for a week! Yippee!! Even though he is working all day instead of hanging out it is SO nice and a wonderful sense of normalcy for him to be at home in the evening and leaving for work in the morning! :) It also means when he leaves this week it will be less than 4 weeks when he returns for the arrival of Bentley! Jesus is SO good!!! :)
We were all able to be together to celebrate my dads (Papi) birthday...only Steph was missing...we had a total blast...the pics below pretty much tell the story!

Kansas LOVE!!


Happy Birthday Papi! We love you SO much!

This picture just pretty much sums it up.....xoxoxo :)
33 Weeks

Getting closer :) I am feeling really good...just huge!! But it is all worth it for a healthy little man! Praise Jesus for our soon to be new little one! Keep us in your prayers as I finish out this pregnancy and for a healthy and safe delivery for both Bentley and I :) We will keep you all posted :) xoxoxo Kansas Love~
Whitney Grace started preschool yesterday! :) She was SO excited! She is going to the same preschool my sister Stephanie went to as well as the Vickers kiddos and Mal went to MDO there when she was 2...it is still the same director and teacher! I LOVE her! I tried to do a little photo shoot with my sweetie yesterday morning...they all turned out pretty crazy but I ADORE them because as long as I live I will remember this precious age and her sparkling personality and I feel like these pictures capture what will always be in my heart....

Miss Silly

Pretend pout so we can leave for school :)
I love this one...thats our girl :)
Typical...dancing :)

and my very favorite....she is shouting "yeah for preschool"
Oh how I love you sweet Whitney Grace...you are a precious treasure straight from God.