
So...I mentioned on Instagram yesterday that I discovered at the nursery that you apparently can not plant any flowers in your flower pots (or anywhere else) until "May long weekend" and according to my new friend, the nursery worker, you can not even trust June...we will most likely see frost...MMM..kay....or not! But I am not going to let this cold Calgary weather get me down!! 


A springy porch with no live flowers....

A few have asked for a how to...I didn't take pics while I was creating so I will give you a quick run down....first the pot!
Chose any pot...fill with soil and bulbs that like to germinate in darkness (it makes you feel very springy and apparently they will spring up...in June)
Next is a grape vine wreath (mine was 5.00 at Wal-Mart...if you are in the states you will of course purchase it at my beloved Hob-Lob...I need a moment of silence...okay moving on)
I used some decorative moss for added bird nest effect (Hubby says..."what are you going to do when birds actually take up living in your display?)
I then added this metal bird cage (the pinterest inspiration actually had a glass version....this Kansas girl would never do that...it would totally blow over and break!)
I just popped in a candle I already had and some spare burlap ribbon from my Christmas decorations and called it good! :) 
You could do it anyway you feel so inclined :) Pinterest lady had a really cute bunny...I just wasn't into a bunny hunt ;) ha!

On to the wreath...
Again 5.00 grapevine wreath (locally sold at Michael's and Wal-Mart)
I again used some burlap ribbon I had....just tucked and glued where I liked it.
The flowers are from Wal-Mart...Michael's has them as well...for 14.00 a piece (I think not)
The cross is from Michael's it was 2.00 unfinished...I used a piece of scrapbook paper out of my stash and modge podged it underneath and on top. When it was don I just hot glued it where I wanted it! :)
Use your imagination...or Pinterest whatever floats your boat...
I know the only ones enjoying this are Canadians ;) The rest of you go on and enjoy planting your flowers :p

Better late than never a short Spring Break run down! :)

This cutie started Gymnastics! She is in class with her bestie, Rachel and they both LOVE it!! :)

The girls and I had a blast (seriously way too much fun laughing) doing some Jamberry nails...I love girls things :)

Bentley and I read Hockey books....every.single.day. For reals ;)

And Bentley plays hockey...every.single.day.

There was and is LOTS of rainbow looming going on :) My poor central vac...I should really go out and check the canister...:/ Pretty confident it might explode rainbow loom bands soon! :)

The girls spent two afternoons at Art Camp at a local pottery studio. They LOVED it!!! :) I need to pick up their pieces and get some pics...it's on the list! ha!

We went to the movies, twice! Brody came along the first time...not cool...he actually did really well but he didn't sleep ;) So the next time we left him home with the boys!! :) The girls and I had a great ladies night!!

Mal and her boys :) (this was right before the big haircut)

A few more just because :)

And this was this morning...it just makes me smile so I thought I would pass it along! :)

We LOVE y'all!!
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Philemon 1:25