
Happy 9th Birthday my Precious first born! Where have the last 9 years gone!? I can't believe how fast the time has gone. But, I want to say this...every moment of every day of the last 9 years I have been thankful. Thankful for you. I am blessed to call you daughter. With every stage so far I have found my self saying, "I love this age!" and I know that will continue to be true during your 9th year! 

I had so much fun bringing treats to your class on Friday! You requested lollipop cookies aka cookies on a stick! :) You wanted all different rainbow colors....so I did my best!

We went out to dinner to celebrate your day! You picked a local chain that we enjoy having breakfast at. Their dinner was pretty tasty and the family time celebrating you was great! Such fun memories!

We had a fun evening giving you your birthday presents and enjoying some cake! We immediately had to play Pictionary after you opened it and it is now our favorite family game! :) Aside from board games you LOVE Legos...you totally get that from your daddy. You had the whole Olivia house built in one sitting! :)

There are so many things about you at this age that I want to remember. I love how reading is your FAVORITE! :) You totally get that from me! You also love trying new hobbies...you are really into learning knitting right now. It is kind of like living with a little old lady...I find this scene laying around all. the. time.

and this is how I find you if you are ever quiet :) You didn't even notice me snapping this picture! I love your heart for reading!!! I hope it continues forever and we can read together as grown ups just as we do now! You have introduced me to some wonderful stories that I had never read! I am loving all the Roald Dahl you have been reading me lately!

It makes my heart so happy! You of course love to Rainbow Loom. You are obsessed with all the Just Dance games. At the moment What Does the Fox Say is your favorite "jam" :) You are so good with your brothers. You and your sister are best friends and enemies all within the hour. You remind me so much of Aunt Amy and I which is a good thing because I know your hearts are bonded for life and you will be best friends forever. You are a talker....really I mean an all the time talker. You totally get that from me to. We went to a movie last night and you talked through the whole thing. What is funny is sometimes you don't even realize you are doing it. You are just so excited and curious about everything and have some much to ask and so much to share. You have so much imagination and so much creativity. You are doing so great in school. Academically and socially your are excelling and I am so proud of you and how well you have handled the transition to living in Canada. You are such a beautiful soul. And old and young soul all wrapped up into my precious Mal Pal. I love who you are and I love watching as you grow and I already know I will love who you become. I love you always. I love you forever. I will always be your number one fan.

Happy Birthday my darling Mal!!!

Hugs and Kisses,