
Look who is 6!!! This is Mal in her school uniform and birthday crown after returning home from school on her birthday. She was pretty excited that the whole "cafe" sang to her and then later in the day her class sang to her after she passed out her treats.

We had a really nice time going out to dinner as a family...and we were blessed with 2 additional family members. My cousins Caiti and Nicole...they are here visiting for their spring break from Minnesota. Nicole is 21 and Caiti is a senior this year. I remember when they were born and spending lots of time with them when they were little. My friend Heather and I stayed with them for our spring break during sophomore year of high school. Is is SO FUN spenign time with them as adults :)

So back to my birthday princess...this mama can hardly believe her first born is 6 and I am so in love with her I can just hardly stand it!!! She is such a sweetie and a total mini me :) ha! I have so much fun with her and just truly enjoy my time spent together with her...I am so blessed to call her my daughter and even more blessed to get to spend so much time with her. She is so grown up and reading books and so good at school. I could just brag on her forever :) I love the stories she tells me and cuddling up reading books and playing games together. She is so imaginitive and such a good big sister. Ahhh this mamas is in love. Happy birthday precious girl. Mama loves you to the moon. xoxoxox