
My precious Whitney Grace,
Today you graduate from preschool. I can hardly believe how fast the past 5 years have gone. In the fall you will start kindergarten. Mommy can not even begin to think about that...too many tears!!! I am so in love with you and the little girl that you have become. You are so full of spark and personality. You always keep me on my toes...I am never quite sure what you will say next. Yesterday we were chatting and you remembered something from a few years ago and I said...WoW! I am surprised you remembered that Whit! and you replied "yeah I have a really good rememberer" ahahah :) I love you so much! The other day we were talking all about my freckles and how you have some to and you you asked me if they make anything to take our freckles away...when I said that they didn't you said "well then I think we should make a freckle spray that you spray on and wipe off and the freckles are gone" hahah! Such a smart girl...I wanted to invent the same thing when I was your age ;) A few weeks ago we were pulling out for preschool and you said "Moooooom! My window is all slobbery!!!" I wasn't sure what you were talking about but you insisted and I finally realized you were talking about the morning dew!!! :) hahah! 

One of my favorite things to do with you is go on walks...Bentley rides in the stroller and we walk Mal to school then you and I go walking. We look for bugs and worms and talk about whatever comes to your mind. You tell me all kinds of things and you always make me smile and almost always make me laugh out loud. Lately you have been really concerned about the trees pooping on the sidewalk....hahah! There are several trees that have been dropping parts due to the time of year. You crack me up "MOOOM the trees have been pooping on the sidewalk again!!! Its so gross! They need to stop!!!" hahahah :)

You precious girl mean so much to us! You are so loved by daddy and I!! We are so thankful every day that God blessed us with you as our daughter. We will both love you with all of our hearts every day of our lives!

For your preschool graduation you sang 4 songs and then received your awards...I of course recorded your songs ;) This is a photo of you waiting for your preschool graduation diploma...you had just finished performing the dog song :)

Here you are receiving your diploma!! :)

We are so proud of you and you are proud of yourself!! :)

This is you and your best friend Kaylee! You became close friends fast this year and had such a good time together!! :)

Miss Becky and the flowers you gave her :)

Miss Dana and the flowers you gave her! :)

Of course you know this lady ;) MIMI!!!!!

I love you so much my precious Whitney Grace! This time is so bittersweet for me. But I know you are ready for kindergarten and you are going to be amazing! I am so happy you are my daughter and so excited to be on this journey with you as you grow!

I love you,