
My precious little man you turned 18 months old!! Where has the last year and half gone?! Tear ;( But I can only be sad for a passing moment because you bring so much joy to our lives!!
 I am so thankful that I get to spend each day with you. You are my little buddy! You keep me SO busy!! You are totally hilarious and are always doing something to crack me up! 

You are working on words...you now say "I want that" and "I did it" along with...mama, dada, ball, cheese, ba (cup), down, all done, dog and more...you understand everything but you are developing vocabulary slowly. Not in a bad way of course, in your own perfect way :)

I had so much fun with you when we went to do your 18 month pictures...I spent most of my time chasing you ;) ahahah! Love it!

I was able to capture you in all your wonderfulness :) Your smile, those eyes, those dimples, and the best chunky legs on the earth!! You rock little man. I love you more than words can ever say.
 I love chasing after you hearing your laughter...I love seeing you dance on the table...even though you of course shouldn't be on the table ;) I love your huge hugs...and seeing you love...and torture...your sisters :) You are a gift from God that I am truly thankful for each and every day.

"Thou hast put gladness in my heart, More than when their grain and new wine abound."