Precious Bentley,
Daddy and I love you more than words could ever say. You came into our lives and added more love and joy than we could have ever thought was possible. You are so funny and sweet and such a snuggle bug. You have the biggest smile, the best dimples, and the most amazing sparkle in your eye. You have stolen my heart and I thank God for you each and every single day. At 10 months old you are crawling, pulling up, starting to let go and falling down on your little bisquit. You say mama and dada, you babble all the time, you laugh out loud with the most contagious giggle. You love to pull hair, especially your sisters ;) At your 9 month appointment you weighed 24 pound s and were 30.5 inches tall you are above the 95% in both height and weight. I love your chubby little legs and toes and every other inch of you :) I love you so much little man.