Summer ending is hard for me...not because I love the heat and sunshine...well I do...but it is hard for me because I LOVE being carefree with our kids all day every day. I love swimming, biking, play places, the park, the zoo, Crown Center, just every day adventures. I really and truly am never ready to get back into a routine and have the kids in school. My sweet Mallory started first grade yesterday...the house is too quiet and I am sad. Mallory is thrilled for school she has the teacher she wanted and her very best friend is in her class. Her sister is pretty pleased as well now that she doesn't have to share mommy or her toys for most of the day ;) I am so glad Mallory loves school! But...I miss her. :( She was so excited yesterday and I didn't cry until I got to the car...I didn't want to worry my sweet girl with a sensitive heart.
Mallory, as you start first grade you are a sweet, confident, smart, caring, sensitive 6 year old. You love everyone you meet and you are always glad to lend a helping hand. You love to talk to me non-stop about anything and everything. You love to craft and think up new games and activities for us to do together. You love spending time as a family and you are a wonderful big sister. I love you with all my heart and I am so proud of you. I will pray every day that you continue on the path you have started and grow throughout all your school years with the same darling personality, love for school, and love for others that you have today.
Hugs and Kisses,