Mallory has been having so much fun playing with Scotty! Last night I had a MOPS meeting and Mal was "planning" all day for the "Very Very Royal Party" she was going to have with daddy. She made invitations and decorated her room. She served him tea and read books and woke up this morning chatting non-stop about how much fun it was and how she and daddy are going to have an "ice cream party" tonight. It is SO sweet and just warms my heart to see her over flowing with love for her daddy. Mal is usually such a mommy's girl and I just love how she is bonding with Scott. She just seems so grown up. She and Scott just left to go to their "ice cream party" Mal said she is going to have pink ice cream with sprinkle and gummi bears. I took a picture of them on the porch on their way out. I think daddy/daughter dates are the cutest thing ! Next time it will be Whitney's turn....this was just special for Scotty and Mal....Whit and I will eat our ice cream when they get home! :) Love you guys!