I hope all of you precious mommy's young and old are having a BLESSED mother's day today! I am enjoying every minute of this wonderful day! We went to church this morning and then out to a park and then on to a nice lunch. While at the park Scotty tried to get some pictures of the girls and I :) I am SO excited Scott surprised me with a video camera! I will be able to record the girls and then upload it straight to the blog and also burn it into home DVD's!!! Yeah! It arrives tomorrow...poor Scott ordered it a month ago and it is arriving one day late! He tried so hard! :) The girls are resting now and I was just thinking how much I am in love with being a mom and what a blessing the girls are to me. It also makes me think about how much I love my mom and what a blessing she has been to me and continues to be to me everyday. I love you and miss you all. Go hug your babies...that is where I am headed :) XOXOX