A precious family here in San Antonio was hit by a drunk driver in their front yard...in a gated community on Thursday April 23rd. The mom and 3 year old daughter are doing fine now but their precious 18 month old daughter Ava is still fighting. The love and support for this family around San Antonio and even around the country is breathtaking and inspiring. Please keep Ava Lopez and her family...Manny, Tracy, Jack and Isa in your daily prayers. May God continue to heal Ava and surround her loved ones with love and support as they go through the coming days, weeks, and months of recovery.
We do not know the Lopez's personally but they are friends of several different friends. Most closely a little girl in Mallory's class...Sydney....her mom Jennifer is dear friends with the Lopez's and she is organizing the rally and asked me to pass out flyers. If you are in the area please join us tomorrow night and if you are not here then please just pray.
If you would like to read their story and follow Ava's recovery please visit the caring bridge site for Ava....
Hug your babies ladies....this story just breaks my heart and hits too close to home.
I love you all!