Our very perfect Uncle Adam taught Mally how to build forts this summer and it is now a favorite daily activity! We spent the afternoon yesterday building a fort around the Dora tent so we could have a whole "fort land" I spent a majority of my afternoon curled up in a fort with the girls reading books. Let me tell you that is my absolute favorite way to spend an afternoon and I wish I could just freeze that time forever. It is kind of funny how little things can make you see something in a whole different way. Laying with the girls in the fort I thought to myself this is something I LOVE about Texas. There aren't many things... but being with the girls full time means so much to me I could do it anywhere in the world. So even if I only ever have one item on my list of things I love about Texas it is the best list in the whole world! Love to you all! ( I put up some photos of my precious wild woman Whit examinig her belly button and dancing with fairy wings some other highlights of my day! :)... I wish I would have had audio when Mal yelled out... WHIT IS GOING TO BITE MY LEG! Which she was but that was becuase Mal wouldn't move it off her...I stopped her from biting Mal's leg and all is well! :)
Our very perfect Uncle Adam taught Mally how to build forts this summer and it is now a favorite daily activity! We spent the afternoon yesterday building a fort around the Dora tent so we could have a whole "fort land" I spent a majority of my afternoon curled up in a fort with the girls reading books. Let me tell you that is my absolute favorite way to spend an afternoon and I wish I could just freeze that time forever. It is kind of funny how little things can make you see something in a whole different way. Laying with the girls in the fort I thought to myself this is something I LOVE about Texas. There aren't many things... but being with the girls full time means so much to me I could do it anywhere in the world. So even if I only ever have one item on my list of things I love about Texas it is the best list in the whole world! Love to you all! ( I put up some photos of my precious wild woman Whit examinig her belly button and dancing with fairy wings some other highlights of my day! :)... I wish I would have had audio when Mal yelled out... WHIT IS GOING TO BITE MY LEG! Which she was but that was becuase Mal wouldn't move it off her...I stopped her from biting Mal's leg and all is well! :)