Today we did a family favorite, sugar cookie cut-outs! (Okay so you all know they are really a Sarah favorite...but they have become a family tradition!) The girls had a blast decorating...well Whit really just had a good time eating the icing... but it was fun and they are both happily in a sugar coma! ha! ha! Actually this activity landed them in the bath tub! These were pumpkins cut outs and they will soon be followed by turkeys, Christmas trees, valentine hearts, W's in February, M's in March and Easter spring we are usually all sugar "cookied" out :) Love to everyone from Texas! I do just have to say that on my list of things "I miss about Kansas" (that is my new way of saying things "I hate about Texas"...I decided it sounds nicer and I don't let Mal say hate so I should set a good example) anyways, a new addition to the list is FALL there is not a fall season here it is in the 80's everyday and that call that "cool" it is a sad story :( It makes me feel like I am stuck in Ground Hogs Day with Bill Murray... Sunny and a high of after day after day...ugh! Hugs and Prayers!
Cookie Monsters
Today we did a family favorite, sugar cookie cut-outs! (Okay so you all know they are really a Sarah favorite...but they have become a family tradition!) The girls had a blast decorating...well Whit really just had a good time eating the icing... but it was fun and they are both happily in a sugar coma! ha! ha! Actually this activity landed them in the bath tub! These were pumpkins cut outs and they will soon be followed by turkeys, Christmas trees, valentine hearts, W's in February, M's in March and Easter spring we are usually all sugar "cookied" out :) Love to everyone from Texas! I do just have to say that on my list of things "I miss about Kansas" (that is my new way of saying things "I hate about Texas"...I decided it sounds nicer and I don't let Mal say hate so I should set a good example) anyways, a new addition to the list is FALL there is not a fall season here it is in the 80's everyday and that call that "cool" it is a sad story :( It makes me feel like I am stuck in Ground Hogs Day with Bill Murray... Sunny and a high of after day after day...ugh! Hugs and Prayers!