Mal's School Halloween Party

Mal had her class Halloween party today! First there was a parade and then a Halloween performance. All the kids at Coker Day School were on stage singing Halloween songs together! It was sooo cute! We had a blast at her party...decorating pumpkins...playing games....and eating lots of treats! :) I loved being in her classroom and getting to know all the other kids and their moms! She is ready to go out trick or treating tonight! I can't wait to see Glenda the Good Witch with her pal Dorothy!
Cookie Pizza

My best friend Katie is in town with her son Max and her husband Chris... We have been having a great time! Katie and I have a tradition of making cookie pizzas when we are together. We made our first cookie pizza with her mom at our first sleep over when we were probably about 7 years old! We thought it would be so fun to make one with all the kids! It was a blast! As you can see in the pictures Mallory wanted to help bake and Whit was standing there with a bowl waiting for marshmallows saying "peease" The all enjoyed eating a piece and Max was more interested in Whit's than his own :) So cute! You can also see that I didn't have pizza pan so we made our first rectangle cookie pizza! :)
Amy's Visit


Amy just left this morning after being here since last Wednesday. I was so sad to see her go and I am "feeling a little blue" now. We had so much fun! We took the girls to the San Antonio Childrens Museum and had lunch at the Riverwalk...We went to see The Secret Life of Bees....We went shopping at the outlets...We had facials and haircuts on my birthday and then found a cute little lunch place called Twin Sisters (where a very "interesting" woman told her daughter we were "not bad people just eating bad chemicals" and we were pretty sure she was referring to my diet coke) :-) Amy watched the girls and Scott and I went out...we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall and made margaritas with wine...very YUMMY and a hilarious movie! We made brownies from scratch and Mal sent some back for Uncle Adam... Amy taught me how to cut the girls hair so we wouldn't have anymore $20 BAD haircut experiences and then we went for ice cream :) Which was a fabulous chocolate mess! The fun was endless and I haven't laughed that much in ages....I miss Amy so much and was so spoiled while she was here. I am counting down the days until I see her again (one week from Thursday) Thank you for coming Amy....WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU ALREADY!
I just couldn't resist snapping these pictures this evening while I was cooking dinner. My mom and my sister Amy will really appreciate these :) Mallory and Whitney were playing "school" and Mal was the teacher...she was getting Whit all "settled" with the other kids at school (those would be all the stuffed animals in the closet where Mal has built the school) Mal then transforms from Whit's mother to her teacher...they read books and play for awhile then Mal goes back to being the mother and picks Whit up from school to take her to the "dentist to get her tooth fixed" that is when they go off holding hands and going through each room in the house pretending it is another place...dentist...grocery....playground....library...Whit actually loves the game and happily holds Mals hand and they run all over laughing together. I had so many flashbacks of my sister and I which made me think I better enjoy this stage while it lasts b/c in no time Whit will be tired of Mal being the boss and she will refuse to eat cheez-its off the ground as the turkey in the Thanksgiving show! :) Love you AMY! The good news is that Amy and I are best friends as adults so my girlies will come full circle and they are starting in the right place as BFF'S! :)
Cookie Monsters
Today we did a family favorite, sugar cookie cut-outs! (Okay so you all know they are really a Sarah favorite...but they have become a family tradition!) The girls had a blast decorating...well Whit really just had a good time eating the icing... but it was fun and they are both happily in a sugar coma! ha! ha! Actually this activity landed them in the bath tub! These were pumpkins cut outs and they will soon be followed by turkeys, Christmas trees, valentine hearts, W's in February, M's in March and Easter bunnies...by spring we are usually all sugar "cookied" out :) Love to everyone from Texas! I do just have to say that on my list of things "I miss about Kansas" (that is my new way of saying things "I hate about Texas"...I decided it sounds nicer and I don't let Mal say hate so I should set a good example) anyways, a new addition to the list is FALL there is not a fall season here it is in the 80's everyday and that call that "cool" it is a sad story :( It makes me feel like I am stuck in Ground Hogs Day with Bill Murray... Sunny and a high of 85...day after day after day...ugh! Hugs and Prayers!
Our very perfect Uncle Adam taught Mally how to build forts this summer and it is now a favorite daily activity! We spent the afternoon yesterday building a fort around the Dora tent so we could have a whole "fort land" I spent a majority of my afternoon curled up in a fort with the girls reading books. Let me tell you that is my absolute favorite way to spend an afternoon and I wish I could just freeze that time forever. It is kind of funny how little things can make you see something in a whole different way. Laying with the girls in the fort I thought to myself this is something I LOVE about Texas. There aren't many things... but being with the girls full time means so much to me I could do it anywhere in the world. So even if I only ever have one item on my list of things I love about Texas it is the best list in the whole world! Love to you all! ( I put up some photos of my precious wild woman Whit examinig her belly button and dancing with fairy wings some other highlights of my day! :)... I wish I would have had audio when Mal yelled out... WHIT IS GOING TO BITE MY LEG! Which she was but that was becuase Mal wouldn't move it off her...I stopped her from biting Mal's leg and all is well! :)
Library Day!
The girls LOVE our library day! They are currently really into Arthur and the Berenstain Bears... they love to snuggle up with me when we get home and read all the books we checked out that day! Whitney now likes to take all the books that we are not reading and open them and "read" louder than me to make sure we can all hear her and then Mal starts yelling for her to be quiet and I find myself cracking up as I just continue to read on....I love every minute of it! What a great rainy afternoon!
Scott and I joke that Whitney's first word was "shoe" even before mommy or daddy! There is some truth to that! It might not have been her first word but it was for sure in her top 10! She still loves shoes and is very opinionated on which shoes she will wear...her current favorite are some black sparkly ones from Christmas when Mal was her age. She even wore them with shorts the other day! Her new things is getting into our closet and walking around with a different shoe on each foot. She smiles really big and says "Shoe! Mine!" :) What a little cutie! We are so blessed!
Pumpkin Patch
We went to do our annual trip to the pumpkin patch yesterday and sadly it has to be added to the things we do not care for about Texas....apparently there is not enough rainfall to grow pumpkins here so the patches are made up of pumpkins laying around in a set up barn where you walk around in the hay and just pick the one you want...that also means they charge you to get in and they charge you A LOT for a decent sized pumpkin...so the girls each picked a small one to paint and we went to wal-mart and got our big one...sad story :( but we did have fun!
Whitney is 20 months Old!
I can hardly believe our little Whitney turned 20 months old yesterday! She is so much fun and just such a gift in our lives. She cracks us up! Her current favorites are ELMO!!! Babies, brushing her teeth, pushing her cart, terrorizing her sister and giving hugs and kisses! She is talking all the time and loves to Dance! We are so thankful for her! We love you Miss Whit!
These pictures were taken today 10/10/2008 I was one day late this month b/c I was SO sick with the FLU yesterday! YUCK! I am feeling a bit better today but still weak...a hard thing to be with two little ones! Keep me in your prayers for a full recovery...quickly :) Love to all!
No Bow!
Today was Mallory's preschool picture day! We got up early and both the girls took baths and we got Mallory all dressed up in her adorable outfit (from grandma Terri) ...yes those are KNEE SOCKS! That is what had us hooked on that outfit when we were shopping! We dried her hair and curled it...I said, "Mal you look so cute for your pictures" and she said, "I just hope everyone LOOOVES my hair bow!" What makes that even more hilarious than it already is... in the summer my mom took the girls to the park and she was pushing Mal on the swing and she said, "This is so fun, if I only had a hair bow!" My mom thought that was so funny! So, then we are getting in the car and I am buckling Whitney in who's hair I did not fix b/c we were going for a haircut and she reached up and felt her hair and gave me a little glare and yelled "NO BOW!" I am starting to think my kids really love their hair bows :) Or maybe mommy's love for them has just really worn off on them! Hilarious! I snapped a few pick before we left for school... Enjoy!
An October Day!
Greetings from Texas!
I had a wonderful time at the woman's retreat and I am so glad that I decided to step way outside my "box" and attend! Praise be to God for the way he is working in my life! The girls are doing great we are enjoying the "cool" days of only 80's instead of the 90's we were having! Sometimes we just love to spend time together being silly! This afternoon the we were playing make-up and jumping on the bed...No it isn't allowed but someone taught Mal how which in turn she taught Whit and now it is a constant battle...but it is cute so I snapped a picture before we moved on to a different activity! :) We are sending love to all and counting down the days until Aunt Amy's arrival (2 weeks from tomorrow!!!) Hugs and Love to all of you!!!
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