How could my little baby be 10?! I say that every year about all the kids but REALLY?! Double digits?! Sigh...lots of eye rolling and being the embarrassing mom in my future! ;) That's okay though...I love every minute with this girl! We had a total blast celebrating Mal with a bowling party! Huge shout out to Grandpa Lee for getting it all set up with his buddies at the lanes!! Really y'all we are a bowling family...Lee has been bowling here FOREVER and was one of the last ones out before it burnt down that night all those years ago...we have bowled in leagues forever...even pregnant I was bowling (I may or may not have had to have my finger holes on my ball widened for my swollen preggo hands) Anyway, back to MALLY!! She invited the entire 4th grade...she just couldn't decide which friends to ask and for sure didn't want to leave anyone out. She has missed her group so much the last year and a half! So we decided to just let her go for it! I am so glad we did. I have known the majority of these kids since they started kinder. I love watching them grow and change. They have such great friendships and truly care for one another. It was so great to have the gang all there! We missed those who couldn't make it and love y'all!! I was super excited to have my precious nephews there bowling as well! So fun to watch those wild and crazy guys bowling together!! Of course it warmed my heart to be able to have all the grandparents there too! Ahhh!! This is what makes living in your hometown so truly special!! The bond the kids have with there grandparents is just priceless!! Thank you so much to everyone that made Mal's day so special! You are each amazing!!
Mally my Pally,
You are a beautiful, kind, caring, compassionate, smart young lady and I love you to the moon!! I am proud of you every minute of every day and I am so thankful the Lord allowed me to be your mom. Keep flying my little chic a dee! I can't wait to see where you soar to!
Your #1 Fan forever and always,
(and if y'all would like a peek into the party, scroll down and have fun with my abundance of snap shots) :)