Dear my precious Bentley Bean,
How can you possibly be 4 already?!
You are my wild, crazy, unending energy, nonstop talking, silly, funny, stubborn, absolutely amazing king of my heart little boy!! Your hugs are the best, your smile can light up any moment of any day. You are a gift from God and you complete me. I feel like we just brought you home from the hospital...

That year went so fast and then we celebrated your very first birthday with a big fall bash! You can't remember it but you know from your sisters that mommy really loves a good party. Gathering with family and friends and celebrating the day of your birth is so special and so important to me. The Lord blessed daddy and I beyond our imagination by making us your parents and we love to celebrate you each year!!
In the blink of an eye we were celebrating your 2nd birthday with a big football bash! Again we were surrounded by all our family and friends. It is my favorite thing! My heart is so full watching all of those that I love gather and love on you my son!!
Last year when you turned 3 we celebrated a few days early because we were going to be in a hotel traveling home to Kansas on your actual birthday. Your day was all about is life! You have taken on the Canadian way! :) It was a special day with just the 5 of wasn't a big bash but we had more than enough love and that in turn made for an amazing celebration!!
When we arrived in Kansas your Auntie Amy threw you a super special Max and Ruby/ Hockey party at your request. It was amazing to gather with our family and celebrate you! Your were so so happy to be with your bestie, Leo!!
I knew this year was going to be bittersweet. It was just our family and we weren't able to go home. But we didn't let that stop us from showing you how much we love you!! You got to pick your theme and of course it was Hockey! But this year you also requested some Mickey Mouse we threw in Mickey Balloons! :) We let you pick the meal, pizza, of course was your choice! We played all your favorite games and celebrated your 4th birthday with abundant joy and love! I hope you know how much you are loved my little man. I thank God for you every single day!
This picture cracks me had already opened your presents and changed into one of your costumes...SWAT team :)
Happy 4th birthday. You are blessing to me every day. Even in the midst of moments where I want to pull my hair out...I would be untruthful if I didn't say there were a few...I still give thanks for you. You are such a light in our lives. I love watching you grow, play, and change every day. I will always be your biggest fan...and next your for your 5th birthday...back at out...IT IS ON!!! :)
I love you to the moon Bentley Boy!