Happy Birthday Dad!!
Today is my dad's birthday!! I don't take enough time to reflect on how blessed I am to call him my father. I have an endless amount of memories of him I hold close to my heart. He is truly the kind of dad every child should have the chance to grow up with. He has always been there for me, my sisters and my mom. He is hilarious...really cracks us up! He cracks himself up as well...the Tom Moore knee slap laugh is classic! As I feel blue not being able to deliver his cookie cake in person today (we still made it of course but then we had to eat it...sorry about that dad) I am flooded with so many memories...I don't even know how to put them into words...but I will try...I want to have them in writing for my kids to have forever...
I love that when I was a little girl he invested in a good camera because he wanted pictures of me...the black and white of my mom and I that he took is framed on my bedside table.
I love that he took my sister and I on a canoe trip...and flipped the canoe and proceeded to melt my tennis shoes by the fire and then walked me to the camp store where our only option was adult flip flops!
I love that even though my dad traveled for work all week when I was growing up he still made sure to not miss events. I remember looking up and seeing him in the audience at the 4th grade spelling bee. He had to leave again right after and left a note on the table that we was so proud I got
T-H-I-R-D place!
I love that he attempted to coach me in basketball...it didn't work out well but he tried ;) I am pretty sure I was impossible to coach ;)
I love that he let me have Ralph...y'all know our infamous dog that lived for 15 years. He and dad were best buddies and arch enemies. "This is Ralph we'll be in the car"
I love that he is always doing a home project and they usually run into a snag....Katie and I love the memory of dad walking through the yard dragging a sink and then shortly after setting of all the smoke alarms with his high pressure heat gun while removing old flooring
I love that he calls the workers at the Home De-Pot "his people".
I love that mom and I will never forget walking in the house and the door being open and dad saying "the fire department is on the way"
I love that my dad wrote me a letter on my high school graduation day. I love that he cherished all the craziness of raising daughter. Even on days "when its like living in a womans locker room"
I love that he always called my boyfriends and even some friends by the wrong names.
I love that he would come to Pittsburg in college and feed whatever hungry friends were hanging around me.
I love that he took me out to lunch before my wedding day and had a daddy daughter talk.
My dad never fails to make me laugh. But he is also so calm and collected in tense situations...whether it be a bad report card, a fender bender, a softball to the face, a trip to the emergency room. He is always calm and collected. It is SO comforting. That really shined brightly as we sat in the ICU day after day last fall. Dad was our rock!
Dad is always our rock. He is also an example of what a family man should be. He loves his wife with all he is and loves his children the same. Our house was always full of love, affection and laughter. Hardly a day would go by that mom and dad weren't hugging in the kitchen! :)
It is such an honor and a blessing to watch my dad be "Papi" to my kids. He is the same grandfather that he was father and I LOVE IT! I love that he calls them "Sugar" and wants to "Hang you by your toes" I love that he takes a nap when he is on babysitting duty and I love that he lets them help with his garden. I love that he ditched mom at the Panera when Bentley was born and snuck off to have the first peek at his new grandson! :) My kids ADORE their Papi and I adore my dad!
So today on your birthday dad, we miss you, we love you, we celebrate you and we can't wait to see you again! Thank you for who you are!! Enjoy the 2 movies below!! :)
Hugs and Kisses!