I know for a long time to come I will still be taking in all the events of the last two weeks. Things keep coming back to me in waves. Something that I want to share is this bracelet and what the saying means. Before & Behind. Two words that didn't mean that much before...they mean more than anything now. When we were sitting in the ICU with Steph after her ventilator first came out she kept saying "before and behind" I had no idea why she would say that but she was still not making a lot of sense so we would just comfort her. Later she started telling us that the Wagner's (Kevin's family) always huddle up and pray for travel Mercies before anyone begins traveling. They prayed over Steph and Kevin along with Kevin's siblings before everyone headed home from visiting for Thanksgiving. One of the things they always pray for is that Jesus is before and behind them. Protecting them as the go. Steph knew that Jesus was before and behind her and had saved her life. We know that too. With my entire being I know that Jesus was before and behind sweet Steph and Kevin. Our family will never let anyone travel again without praying together for Jesus to be before and behind us. The last day at the hospital Kevin's mom Jan came in and had a bag of these amazing purple (of course) bracelets that say before and behind. They had arrived at Kevin's and it didn't take long to figure out it was the doing of his brother, Brett. I can not say enough kind, loving things about Brett. Kevin is blessed to have him as a brother and now Steph gets to share in that blessing too. Thank you Brett! I have not taken it off! It makes me smile and is a constant reminder of the miracle that Jesus gave us in Steph and Kevin.
He is before you and behind you. He is with you even in your darkest hour.
Love, Sarah