So the girls have been into all things arts and crafts since they were still small enough to have to craft in their high chairs! :) They have always been so into it (not sure where they got that! ha!) One time Mallory asked my mom "Mimi do you have a seasonal craft I could do?" She was like 3! ahahahahah :) Love that girl!
Anyway, my little man...not so into the crafting...he is more about "football" and "firetruck" Mickey Mouse Clubhouse etc.... but when I got out the paint cups the other day for the girls to paint...boom! He was LOVING it!!! :) I knew he had a little of his mama in there somewhere ;)
1 Peter 1:22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart,