
I feel like I haven't mentioned in awhile how much I love this man...

He makes me the happiest woman...for real. He is the best husband and father I could have ever asked for. I thank God for him. Sometimes I wonder how I ever found him....and got him to marry me ;) haha...

Seriously though, I love that we are on this journey of life together. I love that all three of our children have him for a role model. I pray that our daughters will look for the qualities Scott posseses in their furture husbands. I pray that Bentely will be just like his daddy.

I look at our daughers sweet faces and I love seeing the perfect blend of Scott and I smiling back at me. So blessed. So thankful.

I love our wild and crazy crew. We have so much fun together. My husband makes me smile, and he can make me laugh harder than anyone else. I love him more today than the day I married him. I mean really, I didn't even know that was possible.

I love you Scotty! Thank you for taking such good care of our family. Thank you for loving us with your whole heart. Thank you for always knowing how to make me smile. I could have never asked for a better partner in this life. xoxoxoxoxoxo

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Galatians 5:22