
St. Patrick's Day!! :)
Saturday night we went to a get together at our good friends the O'Brians..they just finished their basement and gave it a "pub decor" with a bar and all. How fitting to have their "Grand Opening" of O'Brians Pub on St. Partrick's day!!!

A good time was had by all...their daughters Maddie and Rylee are good buddies with our girls so they always have a great time :) Sadly miss Maddie was sick! We missed you sweet girl! But we still had a good time and we attempted a family photo with the tripod before we left....

This is what we got...I am not complaining :) My 4 favorite people all in one shot...I will take when I can get it !! :)

"May he grant you your hearts desire and may he fulfill all of your plans"
Psalm 20:4