I have sat down so many times to write this post since arriving home last night. The cursor just kept blinking at me as my mind just kept running with a million memories of every moment that has passed since my phone rang at 10:08 pm Sunday, November 24th. Then I remembered my book Jesus Calling. My mom gave it to me last Christmas and it is my favorite book to turn to each morning for a Devotion. The reading for November 28th in the midst of our hardest moments in the hospital said this,
"Rest in the deep assurance of my unfailing Love. Let your body, mind, and spirit relax in My presence. Release into My care anything that is troubling you, so that you can focus your full attention on Me. Be awed by the vast dimensions of My love for you: wider longer, higher, and deeper than anything you know. Rejoice that this marvelous Love is yours forever!"
One of our 20 Christmas card photos from through the years ;)
I am a believer. Jesus is my savior. I have never been brought to my knees in his presence the way I was the night I found out my baby sister had been in a terrible car accident. I felt emotions I had never felt in all of my life. The sleepless night waiting for day break so I could drive to her was filled with cries to the Lord. The never ending drive to get to her was filled with cries to the Lord. Sitting in the ICU waiting to be with her, waiting for news, was filled with cries to the Lord. The mistake I made...I never needed to cry to him. He was with us. He never left us. He already knew the cries of my heart.
St. Louis Christmas Card 1993 |
Christmas card pic 1998 |
This is what 99 of the 100 shots taken at our Christmas Card shoot actually looked like each year ;) |
My sisters story is hers to tell. I am not going to show pictures of the car or pictures from the hospital. I know that Steph will use all of that when she is ready to start sharing her testimony. I will say this though. My sister and her fiancé survived that car accident with Jesus and Jesus alone. Steph and Kevin were at slow roll/stop on the highway due to an accident somewhere ahead of them when a truck slammed into them at 75 mph without stopping. Steph was taken by life flight to a different hospital than Kevin. Kevin regained consciousness in the ambulance and didn't know what happened or where Steph was. Steph would wake up and write to us...Where is Kevin? I can only imagine how scared they both must have been. But... Jesus was with them. He took care of them. They are still here with us because he has a plan for them. There are no two people in this world that would use the miracle of their survival to bring people to the Lord the way Steph and Kevin will. Steph said to me in the hospital "I would go through all of this again if it brings people to the Lord" She amazes me, she inspires me, and she will be happy to know she brings me closer to the Lord.
Slumber party in our Pittsburg house when we were in college! :) Steph and Stac were probably Sophomores in high school. |
If you take the time to read my ramblings and look at the pictures of my babies you probably know me pretty well. If you know me well you know that I love my family something fierce! I have 2 younger sisters and they have each been a piece of my heart that completes me since the day they were born. We are a tight bunch...we are over involved, we drive each other crazy, we laugh out loud often, argue now and then, have the best time together, and love each other an unmeasurable amount. We are a truly blessed to have each other. I am so thankful to Jesus that our family is still complete. I am so thankful to Jesus there is more to our story. Yesterday Steph started to cry a little and she said "I am not sad, sometimes I just get a little weepy for Jesus because I love him so much." Amazing...she is my sister? How did I get this lucky?
Being silly one weekend when I was home from college :)
One of my favorite pictures of my sisters together! :)
My bridal shower
Concert in the park!
Leo's first birthday!
I have been touched by so many things throughout this trying time. One of the things that touched me the most was my Uncle Steve and his wife Catherine. They drove from Kentucky to be with us. They have been and still are spending long days in the hospital waiting room. Just being there for us, meeting any needs, loving us, holding us up, praying with us. Playing with our children. Just like Steph said to me..."It means so much to me that you are all here but I knew you would be." That is how our family has always been. We appreciate each other but we also know that we don't have to ask for love and support because it is always there. Uncle Steve has always been there for us and I am not surprised that he was there but it means SO much.
Uncle Steve and his nieces :) This is my all time favorite picture of us!
I could say so much more about each of you. I could go on and on about the love and prayers and support. I appreciate every single word of encouragement. I feel the love. More importantly Steph and Kevin feel the love. I want to keep my focus on my thankful heart, keep the focus on Lord Jesus. If you see this stop and say a prayer for Steph's complete healing. Please also stop and just give a prayer of thanks for each and everything you are thankful for in your life it's all from him. He is good. He is Holy. " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I can't finish this post without mentioning what this precious Aunt means to her nieces and nephews. Aunt Steph is so special to them! Mal just laid down and cried when she heard her Steph was sick in the hospital. We are so thankful we have so many memories with our girl! And even more thankful that there are many more memories to be made!!
One of our many slumber parties in Stephs garage apartment! Eating Cuppies of course :)
On the beach in Florida when Aunt Steph came to stay :)
Arts and Crafts at Okoboji! :)
I can't wait until the kids get to spend time with their Auntie Steph again!!!! :)
One last pic to close this with....
KState Siblings weekend ;)
okay and one more....
When Scott and I bought our house Steph and Scott's sisters slept over for 2 nights and I kid you not we painted every room in our house!!!! ahahahah :) That was SO much fun!! :) |
"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you" Isaiah 41:13
I can not wait to celebrate with these two on April 6th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!