
So, In my hometown they have this big parade/carnival/arts and crafts fair every year in September. My Texas girls would get a big kick out of it! :) This year we braved the parade because Mal's bestie was riding in it. So, a lot of you have commented on how you can not believe how much I do with Scott gone and how I seem to have it so together. So not true! Baahah! And this is the perfect story to show you that...so we park like a mile away and make are way through the crown to get a spot to watch...Mal is so excited searching for Charlie...we are not there 5 minutes when Whitney decides she has a "pee pee emergency" there is nothing anywhere near us. I could see some port a potties off in the distance but I was afraid to miss Charlie go by...after all the work to get there...there was no way I was going to let Mal miss the whole reason we came. So we wait and watch...we see sweet little Charlie. It makes Mal's day...then we head to the port a potty so Whit can go...we finally get there we wait our turn...I go to step in with Miss Whit...and total melt down like you have never seen...."ITS GROSS....tears.....SO DISGUSTING....tears...I CAN NOT POTTY IN THERE...more tears...there was no calming her down. So we make the mile walk back to the car and with all the traffic it was much quicker to go straight home...so she pees her carseat and then goes in the house and pees more on the kitchen floor!! Oh wow!! That was quite a morning...so together not much...but I do have so much fun each and every day...even with "pee pee emergencies!!" bahahah
Kansas LOVE!!

I feel like Bentley is saying...seriously? I have to put up with the girls for my whole life? :) bahahah