
I am one blessed mama!!

Whit ready to have some fun on the carousel!

Mal was pretty excited :)

My four favorite kids!!! :)

My brother n' law ran in the Kansas City Zoo run on Saturday and we headed out to meet them at the zoo after he finished :) Way to go Adam!! We had a great morning! The girls loved all the animals and of course loved the caraousel. The girls always love a good carousel :) Whit was a little dissapointed that the zebra was taken and spent a few minutes look at every animal on the thing trying to decide. It was pretty hilarious. It was a perfect morning. Cool, cloudy and didn't rain until right when we got to the car!! :) I am not complaining but I do just have to say Scotty being with us when have really been perfect!!! Miss you baby!! xoxoxo

Kansas LOVE

Her hopes are high...she thinks she is going to zipping around the skating rink...

Wow...she took a spill and then had to hold onto the wall ;)

Ooops...poor thing was super frustrated...

Whit figured out she could skate on the carpet and stuck to that ;)

However there were still a few falls...

Look who stopped by!! Mimi :) Bentley had a good time crawling around.

Mallory's school had a skating party last week. She had her heart set on going and her hopes set really high that she was on her way to be a professional roller skater...she was quite dissapointed that she couldn't stand and on the way out brought me the flyer for skating lessons :) Oh this girl makes my heart so full of joy!! Whit had a good time and pretty much stuck to skating on the carpet. These girls crack me up...my favorite was when Mal said "Now I know what Miss Tina meant when she said last year Charlie was like Bambi on ice" bahahah

Kansas LOVE!

We had 2 very special visitors from Kentucky last weekend!!! GG and Uncle Steve! :) It was so nice having them here and so fun spending time with family!! It was extra special because Aunt Steph came in from Oklahoma :) I feel so blessed that our kids are able to have times like this where they are surrounded by so many people that not only love them but that they know and love in return. I have talked about my Grandma and Uncle Steve over time but I just want to say  again how blessed my sister and I are to have them. They have loved us unconditionally always and we are so grateful for them. Can't wait until our next visit!!! We missed you Aunt Kak!

Kansas Love!

Just having a little snack :)

Playing jump rope with Great Uncle Steve :)

3 Generations :) I should have put the kiddos in four 4 ;)

GG and her girls :)

So, In my hometown they have this big parade/carnival/arts and crafts fair every year in September. My Texas girls would get a big kick out of it! :) This year we braved the parade because Mal's bestie was riding in it. So, a lot of you have commented on how you can not believe how much I do with Scott gone and how I seem to have it so together. So not true! Baahah! And this is the perfect story to show you that...so we park like a mile away and make are way through the crown to get a spot to watch...Mal is so excited searching for Charlie...we are not there 5 minutes when Whitney decides she has a "pee pee emergency" there is nothing anywhere near us. I could see some port a potties off in the distance but I was afraid to miss Charlie go by...after all the work to get there...there was no way I was going to let Mal miss the whole reason we came. So we wait and watch...we see sweet little Charlie. It makes Mal's day...then we head to the port a potty so Whit can go...we finally get there we wait our turn...I go to step in with Miss Whit...and total melt down like you have never seen...."ITS GROSS....tears.....SO DISGUSTING....tears...I CAN NOT POTTY IN THERE...more tears...there was no calming her down. So we make the mile walk back to the car and with all the traffic it was much quicker to go straight home...so she pees her carseat and then goes in the house and pees more on the kitchen floor!! Oh wow!! That was quite a morning...so together not much...but I do have so much fun each and every day...even with "pee pee emergencies!!" bahahah
Kansas LOVE!!

I feel like Bentley is saying...seriously? I have to put up with the girls for my whole life? :) bahahah

I hope ya'll enjoy these pictures as much as I do...Bentley has a new BFF at our house...Rudy the weiner dog ;) My parents dog has come to stay with us for awhile. I am sure ya'll remember Whitney's love for Rudy that began as an infant. Well B shares the same love for him...and I am pretty sure its mutual. The other day Rudy wasn't so happy with B though because he wasn't sharing food...he was up to something different.
Kansas LOVE!!


Whitney Grace had her first day of preschool last week. She was SO excited! She loves her classroom and her teacher...she also loves that she only goes in the morning and gets to come home for lunch and play time with mommy ;) I promise mommy is more happy about that that she is...I miss her during her 3 mornings a week ;) She is so sweet and just loves her school. She is really excited about getting to pour her own juice at snacktime. She is also really excited about the songs they sing and about being assigned a job in the classroom. She is so fun and spunky. She just makes me so full of joy. She has me busting out loud with laughter multiple times every day. She is seriously hilarious. I am so thankful that she is our daughter. I love you Whitney!


Okay so I know its only September 12...but this mama has decided it is time for fall and I am ignoring the 90 degree temperature today and I am getting in the fall spirit! wOOOOt!! :) Serioulsy though...I LOVE fall!! The weather has been so amazing and I have just been soaking up being home with friends and family and spending time with my little darlings. Scotty was in last weekend and I loooooved every second and had a terrible time seeing him go back to Canada...but the bright side is he will be home for good soon! :) Moving on...I haven't blogged lately and I am just going to do a little sneak peek into what has been keeping me busy...
Sweet Mallory was so sick for a week with a stomach virus!!! :(
Whitney is LOVING her days hanging out with mommy and as you can see she is enjoying a new make up kit ;) I have been crafting away working on Bentley's party!!
This little cutie patootie keeps me pretty busy ;)
We have been doing a lot of baking (featured in this pic was a waffle making morning)
Mallory has mastered hanging upside down on the monkey bars at school.
I had a great time with Mallory at her schools annual "Watermelon Feed"
And Mal is loving first grade and spending the days with her BFF...
God is so good! I cherish these days. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband that works so hard for our family that I have all this time with our children.
Some things I want to remember that have been happening lately....
Whitney "you are my best mom and I love you forever"
Bentley has mastered the wave, mama, dada, dog, and he is currently getting into everything...he likes to open every drawer and cabinet and empty it. He is so joyful!
Mallory "I am in love mom" this would be in reference to a little boy from school..Scott's reactions "Ummmm no. There will not be any boyfriends....ever"
The girls continue to have their daily squabbles...sometimes tiring most of the times hilarious. Just this mornining Mallory said "Mom did you hear my tattle tale?" I replied "No I try not to hear tattle tales" Mallory "Oh okay...well the tattle tale was Whitney is copying me" sigh...I love these kiddos!!!