Auntie Lauren was her visiting us the past few days! :) We loved having her here and we had a great time! The girls always love playing with Lauren. Mallory has been cracking us up lately...she is still at an age where seh says anything and everything that pops into her head but she also really thinks things through and is very curious and full of what she refers to a "GREAT ideas" When we were at the pool the other day Lauren was sitting with her feet in the water with shorts and a tee shirt and on and it was nice and quiet with about 6 people laying out and Mallory just keeps repeatedly loudly asking "Aunt Lauren why don't you just hop in and swim naked"another great idea! :) why didn't we think of that! haha! :) My favorite was shen Scott jumped in and Mal is yelling "WOW dad where did you learn to jump like that? Those were some BIG WAVES" we all cracked up...I know I say this all the time but I just LOVE our kids :)