On the move again...this is a picture of us in front of our San Antonio house right after we moved there two years ago. It is so amazing to me to look back at it now and think about how sad I was to move there. You would think I would now by now that God is in control and he makes the plans, not me. San Antonio was such an amazing time for us. We loved it there and miss it so much. The girls and I have been having so much fun in Kansas City getting to spend so much time with family. I can not put into words how much the time here has meant to me. Especially watching my nephew two days a week. But Scott being away from us has been miserable. We have realized through this time of him traveling that our priority is being together as a family above all else. Scott just got assigned to a project in West Palm Beach, FL and will be moving there next week. The girls and I will stay here in Kansas City until Bentley is here safe and sound and we are given the all clear to travel and then we will pack up and move to sunny Florida. I can't wait to see our family photo in front of our next home. What a blessing it is to have each other and see the world together. We are so blessed and thankful for every day together. Please join us in prayer as I go through these hot weeks waiting for our precious son and still being apart from Scott. Please also join us in prayer for Scott's safe travels and that he finds the perfect fit for a home for our family in West Palm. Finally we ask you to pray that our precious Mallory will adjust switching Kindergartens when we move. We have already talked about and she is excited and fine with it but I am still concerned about all the transitioning. Thank you for joining us in prayers. We love you all!
Deuteronomy 32:4 "He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He."