I just have to take some time to talk about my mom this morning. She is in my heart and on my mind. I know I have often talked about how much I love my family but I just really want to say
I LOVE MY FAMILY! I am so blessed with the relationship my mom and I have together. We have always been close but as I get older and am now a mother the bond we share just strengthens all the time. I just spent a month at my parents house and I was absolutely heart broken to leave there yesterday. As the tears poured down my face on the drive I thought...
How blessed am I? To be SO SAD to leave home after being there for a month...that is such a blessing. I love spending time with my mom and all my family so much that an entire month together only made me want to stay longer. My mom is so fun! She is silly and full of life and laughter. She love the girls SO much and it just overflows my heart watching her spend time with them.
They are the best buddies...Whitney is still upset wanting to go back to her Mimi's. She has car seats for the girls in her car and she helped me with them so much while we were there. The girls always wanted to go with their Mimi. My mom always gives selflessly and loves unconditionally. She is such a great role model for me. I pray I become half the mom my mom is to me for my girls and I know I will have succeeded.
Thank you for everything mom. We will miss you everyday until we are together again. I love you!