This video cracks me up! Whitney was so funny singing to her baby and rocking her that I caught it on tape and as you can see it couldn't have been better timing! She is such a little mommy! LOVE IT! If the music is playing on the blog and you can't hear the video just scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit pause on the music player! Enjoy! Love to all!
McKenna Childrens Museum

Future teacher? :)
The girls and I went to the McKenna Children's Museum in New Braunfels on Saturday. It was so much fun! It is by far my favorite children's museum so far! We had a blast and 3 hours flew by in a flash! I love trying out new places and it is so fun to watch the girls interact and be able to play along with them! :)
My little fashionista!!!!

I LOVE that Mallory wants to put together her own outfits everyday! She is always so proud to model them for me! I have been letting her ever since we returned to Texas because we still have a few weeks before school starts and it is just us hanging out. I figure what can it hurt?....Although when it comes to getting her all dolled up for school I may be sorry that I started this trend! :) Here is a picture from this morning before we went to run errands. Bunny rain boots, some stripped capris that are too small and are more like bermuda shorts and an awesome flower and heart teeshirt. Too top of the look she did her own hair finished with a red heart hair bow. I am in love with age 4! Hilarious! Love to all!
The Wiggles!!!!!!!!!!
So....I know most of you remember the blog of Whit dancing to the Wiggles show at Fiesta Texas. This is a video of Whit dancing to the Wiggles movie in our family room.
I am telling you what this girl LOVES the Wiggles!
She cracks us up with her Wiggles mom found her 2 Wiggles DVDS when we were home...she loves them both but she really loves The Wiggles Safari...she calls it Wiggles Zoo (I haven't mentioned that the guest star The Crocodile Hunter was killed by a sting ray)
Her favorite character is Dorothy the Dinosaur and she loves to do the whole dance and put on butterfly wings and a tutu and pretend to be Dorothy. It is so funny!
I love how there little personalities develop and they have there favorites for unknown reasons. I am sure a lot of you remember Mal's thing was Elmo...Whit really doesn't have much interest in Elmo...just THE WIGGLES! Love to All!
My Mom

What an amazing trip!

We arrived back in Texas last night after an AMAZING trip to Lake Okoboji...we have been going for over 20 years now. It never changes and it is always such a FUN time! I just love the relaxation of the week. Everyone just walks to where they want to go and does whatever sounds fun at the moment. The resort provides lots of fun activities if you choose to do them or you can float out in the lake or curl up with a book. My favorite part of the day is when the whole family is one place together. We always have so much laughter! We are so blessed to have such a close knit family. Don't get me wrong we have major personality differences and we have disagreements at times...but what is so fabulous is that we truly LOVE each other and want to spend time together. We don't love each other in spite of our differences we love each other even more because of them. I am so thankful for this trip with my family. I had the most amazing time and I already miss them more than words can say.

Okoboji Here We Come!!
Many of you know that our family has a tradition of going to Fillenwarth Beach on Lake Okoboji every year! It is my FAVORITE vacation spot and I am SO excited to arrive tomorrow! We have been going for 20 years and I can't think of a more relaxing enjoyable family time! My girls are SUPER excited for arts and crafts and the candy store! We all have our own favorites about Fillenwarth but nothing is as special as our time together while we are there! Look for all the pictures in another week! XOXO and Love from all of us! Please pray for safe travels and that we all stay healthy! 

Hubby is Here!!!!
SCOTTY IS HERE!!! I am so excited that Scott flew in last night from San Antonio! It was so great to see him walk off that plane! I was able to surprise him with a night out with just the two of us! My mom was so sweet to keep the girls and Scott and I went out down town and then stayed at Hotel Phillips! We had a great time and it was such a treat! This morning my mom took the girls to Chuck E Cheese and we were able to mee them there! They were so excited to see Scott but Mal was especially excited! She wouldn't let Scott put her down at first! Too sweet! Mom and I both had tears in our eyes! We are so excited to leave for vacation in the morning and just have a relaxing week together with my family! Thanks Mom! Love you! 
Monkey Bizness
The girls had a total blast at Monkey Bizness on Friday! We were feeling better and able to keep our plans to meet Val and Chloe and then we were so happily suprised to run into our friends Lisa, Maddie and Rylee!! It worked out perfectly and the girls had a great time! You can see that it is super easy to get a cute pic of all 5 of the girls! Ha! Love you Ladies!

Aunt Lauren
We had a rough week this past week with everyone being SICK!!! YUCK! We had the flu and head colds and it was just miserable. We had to cancel most of our plans and spend the days in the house. Wednesday I was so sick Terri cam and go the girls for the day and then my mom took them out in the evening. I thank God for their help! On Tuesday afternoon Lauren came over and hung out with us for awhile...we played in the basement and made m&m cookies. She was so sweet to spend time with us even though we were pretty boring and under the weather! Although you can't tell that by looking at my silly girls in the pictures! We love you Lauren!
Sick Day
My precious little Whitney Grace woke up at 5:00 this morning with the stomach flu...details are not needed for all of you but I will say it has been a long day for me. This afternoon she started perking up a little bit and we went into the basement and found some dress up things. Then the girls found an old box of assorted school supplies and got busy crafting. As I write this they are down in the basement playing with all their "new" treasures with Papi...I needed to take a break for a few minutes. Say a prayer for us that Whitney is on the mend and no one else will get sick. Love to all!

Happy Birthday Stacey
Last night we went to the Red Robin aka Red Bird for Stacey's also happens to be the girls favorite place to eat out! We had lots of fun and of course I took pictures... ;) Love to all!
Amy and Adam
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