Last night I went and met my best friend Katie at Archivers and we scrapbooked for 3 hours :-) It was great to get some pages done uninterupted but more than that it was so awesome to spend some time with Katie! As most of you know Katie and I have been best friends since we were 5... She was the Maid of Honor at my wedding and I was the Matron of Honor at hers and she is also Mallory's Godmother. I love the special bond that we share and I was just telling Katie last night that after spending the day with Amy and Mom and then the evening with her I just feel so overwhelmingly blessed to have such amazing women in my life that I can call my best friends. I love my Texas girls and I am having a fantastic time getting to know all of them but there is just something about those lifelong relationships that are just so wonderful...like you are 100% yourself the good, bad, and the ugly. It is always so rejuvenating to spend time with them. I love you so much Katie and I am so thankful for all our history and our amazing friendship that withstands all the storms. Hugs and Love