Well it finally happened! Our first hair cut experience...Amy warned me this would happen....I have tried to be so good about keep all the scissors put out of the girls reach...but last week Mal found some scissors and decided to give Whitney a "new hair do" at first I couldn't even figure out what had happened...I was in the shower and they were playing quietly with dolls and then next thing I know I come out to a very quiet empty room and a big lock of blonde hair on the floor! I kept saying, "Girls who's hair is this?" and of course no one would tell....Mallory finally confessed she cut Whitney's hair but I couldn't figure out where it came from on Whit's head until I washed it and blew it dry...then I found a nice bald spot right behind her bangs. It is really short so at this point it just looks like she has a bald patch....I was actually pretty happy it wasn't worse! :) I will always remember my sister Steph cutting off all her bangs at the roots when she was about the same age Mal is...."Look mom, I have a spike" Classic! LOVE YOU GUYS!