"Give thanks to the Lord our God and King his love
endures forever for he is good, he is above all
things his love endures forever sing praise, sing praise"
I just have to share with all you how thankful I am
for a blessing in our lives this week.
My sister Stephanie was driving back to Kansas City for
the weekend during some rain and her car hydroplaned
and she was unable to control the car. She said she
was just praying the whole time and said "someone"
probably her"guardian angel" turned the wheel away
from the concrete wall and instead the car spun and
went down into a ditch halfway into a pond. She said
she was just waiting for the pain to come to be
injured in some way and there was nothing. She was
perfectly fine. Then as she waited on the side of
the highway down in a ditch for the tow truck to
arrive 3 different strangers stopped to check on her.
The tow truck driver was so kind to her and drove
her back to the garage and got the car fixed up and
back on the road and only charged her $17.50.
I am in awe of this miracle. Someone had their arms
wrapped around my baby sister on Thursday night and in
my heart I know it was Jesus.
I love each and every one of you and thank God for
you everyday.