I have never seen such a sweet display of the story of Jesus Christs birth. These precious children touched my heart today and reminded me of the true meaning of Christmas. I watched Mallory along with all the other 3 and 4 year olds sing their precious little hearts out in the "Choir of Angels" to the sweetest songs...my personal favorites..."Mary Had A Baby Named Jesus" and "Sing it on A Mountain"....the Kindergarten class acted out the Christmas story while the Choir of Angels sang the songs. They were so excited and new every word! The day school director cried as she concluded the pageant saying every year this display of true love for Jesus from these little children just moves her so much. I must agree with her! In the car ride on the way home as Mal was still singing the songs Whitney started singing to..."baby jus baby jus" Mallory said, "Oh mommy isn't is so great that Jesus was born because God loves us? Did you know Mary was Jesus' mommy just like you are my mommy and God chose Mary to be Jesus' mommy just like he chose you to be mine." I had tears rolling down my cheeks as I listened to my precious angels in the back seat. I am so blessed, so truly blessed.