It was time for Bentley to have his first haircut! :) I was doing his nine month pictures and I wanted him to be all nice and trim for them ;) It just tickles me how much hair he has :) The girls were totally bald for what seemed like forever...both of them were well past their first birthdays before they got a trim and even then it was just to trim up a little mullett in the back ;) Bentley Bean has lots of hair but we got it all trimmed and he is just such a cute little man with his fresh do :) Auntie Amy rocks! Thanks for giving Bentley the best looking baby hair around!
Welcome to our new blog home...I thought it was a perfect time to change blogspots since we just moved into our new house and are settling in to our new routine ;) We have been having a fabulous summer and are so thankful to be back at home. Some of you may remember our sweet little house we love some much...
These are the only 2 pics I could find from when we last lived here 4 years ago....
Here are a few pics from after our last renter moved out before our contractor started work...
We still have some things left on our list but we are mostly unpacked and enjoying the changes we made...enjoy a little sneak peak of some of my favorite things about our home.
A little peak into the kitchen....lots more on that later...
The desk in the kitchen...I love the kitchen...more on that a different day.
My 11x14 canvas' of my babies ;)
Our new designer staircase carpet and rod iron spindles...love it :)
The little entry way display I made for under 40.00 :) Everything is bought second hand and fixed up!!! I love doing projects!
Again a dresser redo I paid 30.00 for...and if you look closely you can see a Scentsy...I am addicted to Scentsy!! I also love our wedding photo out where I see it all the time :)
A peek at little man's sports themed nursery....still a work in progress
Close up of his bedding...I love it. It's Pottery Barn Kids Junior Varsity
A peek of the girls room...I love their names on the wall :)
More pics to come soon....Hope you enjoyed the sneak peek!!
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15
My mom and dad just left to take the girls to the movie theater :) They are going to see the new Winnie the Pooh on opening weekend even :) Mimi and Papi are so brave :) The house is quiet as Bentley is napping...thanks mom and dad! I know ya'll are having a great time! LOVE!
Here is a photo of them right before they left...
Our little Bentley is seriously the happiest little guy...I mean really! I know most moms think their little people are pretty fabulous. I am no different...however this little guy has a smile that could melt ice!!! So stinkin' fun!!! He babbles constantly and is saying mama and dada. He crawls and can pull up on low objects...he is not too into food..shocking, right? He is all about his milk...he just makes our day even brighter and we are all just so in love with him. I have had to start covering his little knees during the day because he is crawling around so much his sweet knees were getting red and sore...so baby legs to the rescue!! Woot! Woot! Enjoy some recent pics of our little man.
Baseball cutie!
I forgot to mention he waves!!! :) So cute!
Please mom...enough with the paparazzi...;)
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.
John 1:16
Whit has been sooo busy lately! The girls energy never runs out...though on occasion this mama has to decide that her energy is turning a little negative and then little miss has rest time ;) Ha! Seriously though..I LOVE this little pumpkin pie! We had so much fun together this week hanging out while Mal was at cheerleading. It is nice to have time with each of the girls. It really gives me a chance to chat with them and just let their little personalities shine...instead of referring ;) We are so blessed!!!
Are you seeing the silliness? I didn't get many pics of her this week because she was on the go at all the places we went...I just asked her and she said Little Monkey Bizness was her fav this week :) LOVE her!
My precious hubby had flowers sent for our anniversary...so sweet! We usually go away for the night...or more... every year so we don't really do gifts. Last year we spent a week on the beach. In years past we have stayed at Crown Center or Power and Light. One year we spent the night in Austin...that was a blast! Of course I would much rather have time together than flowers...but they are gorgeous and are sitting in my kitchen smelling lovely and such a sweet reminder of our love. Can't wait to see you soon babe! We will have to do a belated anniversary this year! I love you! xoxoxo Missing Destin...
Mal has been in cheer camp all week! She is totally having the time of her life! I told Scott I am sorry but your dreams of her being into playing sports are shattered...this girl is all about the looking cute and working on her cheers!!! :) Sorry babe! Maybe you will have luck with one of the other kiddos ;) Enjoy the pics of my little cheerleader!!! She is such a precious gift!! "
"Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies".
Today is our Anniversary!!!
It has been 13 years from our first date and 8 years since our wedding day!
I really can't believe that it has been 13 years since Scott and I went out on our first date.
What an amazing rode it has been so far...
Who would have thought that adorable teenage boy standing in my doorway wearing black socks with sandals ;) would be the love of my life.
I thank God everyday for Scott and our marriage and our love for each other.
We are so blessed to have 2 amazing daughters and 1 precious son and share such a loving unbreakable bond.
Our history together makes us who we are and I am so overwhelmingly thankful for us. I love that we have shared growing up together...it is a rare gift to be teenagers together and grow into adults side by side. We often forget we aren't actually still 17 ;) Prayers for that to still be the case when we are 102 ;) God has been with us every step of our love story and I constantly feel his hands on our family.
In honor of 13 years of love...I have written 13 reasons I love Scott so much... Let me tell you it was super hard to narrow it down to just 13!! ;)
1. I love that we can truly say we fell in love as teenagers.
2. I love that you know my heart better than anyone else.
3. I love that you are big and strong
4. I love that you are a soft teddy bear and give the best hugs EVER!
5. I love how you fell in love with our children before they were ever born.
6. I love how you are my protector and my number one fan.
7. I love how you support me in all that I do.
8. I love that we are a team.
9. I love how you have such a kind giving heart.
10. I love how compassionate you are.
11. There is nothing I love more than watching you be a dad.
12. I love your passion for football ;)
13. I love that we fall in love more every day.
2. I love that you know my heart better than anyone else.
3. I love that you are big and strong
4. I love that you are a soft teddy bear and give the best hugs EVER!
5. I love how you fell in love with our children before they were ever born.
6. I love how you are my protector and my number one fan.
7. I love how you support me in all that I do.
8. I love that we are a team.
9. I love how you have such a kind giving heart.
10. I love how compassionate you are.
11. There is nothing I love more than watching you be a dad.
12. I love your passion for football ;)
13. I love that we fall in love more every day.
I love you Scotty!
I know I have shared some of these pictures before but I just can't resist posting them :)
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13
What a beautiful Sunday morning, "For you oh God are my place of safety" Psalm 59:9. I am sipping on some delicious coffee while watching Bentley crawl around and get into everything ;) Whit is dancing as she watches some Caillou and Mal is still sound asleep. We have been busy getting settled back into our Kansas house as well as busy with all our fun summer activities :) This morning I am really missing this guy...
Scott is out of town for work...boo :( Our anniversary is on Tuesday so more on him coming soon ;) But I will say I am so blessed! I love my precious hubby more today than when we got married...and I didn't think that was possible. I am so thankful, blessed, and humbled to call him my love.
We had such a fun fourth of July weekend...
These pics are from a fun afternoon playing at Zonkers...a fun Chuck E Cheese like play place but its even better because its not crowded and it has rides ;) Mal was totally obsessed with going on the Yak Attack ride that spins around really fast then suddenly stops and goes backwards...ick I would have been so sick..but she went at lease 10 times! Funny little monkey :) Whit is totally opposite and only wanted to ride the Banana Plane which slowly goes around and around and she can move it up and down...often on her 25 turns she was the only rider. :) I love that girl. We had so much fun...Scott and I loved ski ball ;) Bentley loved being snuggled up with me just taking it all in. I love family afternoons of just silly fun!
Speaking of family...
If you are reading this then you probably know me pretty well SO...you know that outside of Scott and the kids there is nothing I love more than my own family...the one I was born into ;) My mom, dad and my sisters...which of course now includes my precious brother n'law and nephew. Steph was in town so we had to get a pic with all of us...I love these people so much! "Lord you are our Father. We are the clay. You are the potter. We are all formed by your hand." Isaiah 64:8
Look who is 8 months old and crawling!!! Man I am in love with this little man! Seriously...sweetest, happiest cutest lil' dude :) He is so busy but still has lots of cuddles for mama ;) We are so blessed!!!
Look who is 8 months old and crawling!!! Man I am in love with this little man! Seriously...sweetest, happiest cutest lil' dude :) He is so busy but still has lots of cuddles for mama ;) We are so blessed!!!
Friday we went to open gym where Whit has been taking gymnastics this summer. All 3 kiddos had a total blast and Mal decided she is doing gymnastics instead of dance this fall...there isn't a pic of Whit's face because she was too quick for me ;)
I have been busy attending a lot of "shows" this summer starring..Mal and Whit ;) Let me tell you theses girls have got moves! Mal likes to work on tumbling and Whit can sing it out...she has turned my wreath stand into a microphone and the fireplace into a stage. Love it!!
And just for my own memories and because its reality here is a picture of Whit using one of Bentley's rattles to scream at Mal to get out of her show...
To wrap up this entry I will leave you with some pics from last night. We went out to a family event hosted by Christ Church and it was a really hot fun time. ;)
and yes this is my mom...how stinkin' cute is she? I love her and her fabulous self so much!
Kansas LOVE!!!!
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