Mallory slept with her birthday crown from preschool :)

So excited that it is her birthday! :)

So excited about her Leapster :)

Daddy and Mal working on the Leapster! :)

Yummy! Chocolate cake from Coldstone :-)
Mallory turned 5 last Tuesday! Yes I said 5!!!! Oh my goodness!!! Did I cry? Of course! Don't you know me at all??? ;) People keep reminding me this means kindergarten...I know it means kindergarten... It is just to sad for me to even think about yet! Pray for my sanity please! :)
Seriously though, we had a great day and I just love this little girl more than words could ever say! We had such a fun day together and she is totally psyched over her new Leapster...We are just so thankful for you sweet Mallory and give praise each and everyday that you are our daughter!
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine upon us, that Your ways may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.