Here is a little video clip from the Kids Choir performance. You can see Mal's best buddy Peyton standing next to her not to pleased to be on stage...she sat with Erin and I after this song :-) Mal did really well she sang all the songs! I was pretty impressed! It was super cute!
Our Auntie Amy!!!!!
Auntie Amy arrived on Friday morning! We had been anxiously awaiting her arrival and just had the BEST time with her during her visit!!! All I can say is I wish I could have had her here even longer! We had so much fun going and working on her baby registry and spending an entire shopping day at the outlets-woo hoo! It was just so fun! I cried when I saw her get off the plane...1. I was so excited to see her and 2. I can't believe her tummy with my little nephew in there!!! She looks so cute and is just doing great! I can't wait to get home at Christmas time!
I miss her already! LOVE YOU AMY!!!
I miss her already! LOVE YOU AMY!!!
Soccer Game # 4

Auntie Amy was in town this weekend and got to come to Mallory's soccer game! Mal was SO excited for Amy to see her play! The weather was BEAUTIFUL and we had a great time!
Rainy Morning

A cool rainy morning at our house with no preschool on this Colombus day means jammies until noon crazy hair and CRAFTS!!! Our favorite past time....this morning the favorite craft was collages! The girls love to cute pictures of babies and kids out of magazines and then go crazy with the glue and make their own collages! It is totally fun...totally messy and they love using scissors (supervised of course) and it forces me to throw out old parenting magazines I always find a reason to save! Yipee!!! LOVE TO YOU!
Typical Evening! :)


So typical night at the Graybeal household....the girls and I were making pumpkin bread and Scotty was anxiously awaiting to be our test taster and then the girls decide to create a new game called "Doctor Hammer" where they doctor wore these crazy blue goggles that belong to the water dog was all fun and games for awhile and then a fight broke out over who's turn it was to wear the Doctor Hammer goggles so we had to move on to a new game....HILARIOUS! I love our life :) Thank you Lord for our precious girls and our full of life house!!!!!
Soccer Game # 3

Mal's soccer game was canceled last weekend so this week was game #3....totally cute as always but it was only 53 degrees outside and let me tell you kiddos that live in Texas want no part in playing soccer when it is 53 degrees outside....they were all FROZEN and just wanted to snuggle with their mommy's and daddy's on the side lines....too cute! The other team had this kid that was seriously a head taller than even our biggest players...he was friend Alicia put it perfectly..."Ummm I think we need to see a birth certificate on that kid!" too funny! So with no kids on the field and the big guy from the other team repeatingly making goals the score did not end in our favor! Ha! :) TEXAS LOVE!
Thank You Mimi!

Whitney dancing in her new dress!
Mom was so sweet to send the girls these cute pillow case dresses (actually made out of a pillowcase)! She bought them from our church bookstore and it is SO awesome because the money from the sale goes directly to missions in Haiti!!!! SO COOL! The girls love them and it is a great cause! Thanks Mimi! We love the dresses and we LOVE YOU!
It's time for the show!!!!
Today I kept little Mal home from preschool because she has a bit of a cold and they had a delayed start from flooding....anyway....we had an inside day which of course consisted of some amazing performances by my little princesses! They love to put on shows in Mal's room using the bunk beds for a stage!!! I love attending shows....hilarious! Here are a few shots from today's performances! MUCH LOVE!

Happy Birthday Scotty!

He also loved his haunted house cake the girls made him....yum!!
Happy Birthday Scotty! I love you so much!
My Little Whitney Grace
Okay...Whitney seriously cracks me up! She has the funniest personality and is just so hilarious! Right now she wants to go everywhere with her purse...cell phone inside, her baby and wearing a princess crown. She strolled all the way through walmart like this and people were stopping and smiling and laughing telling her how nice she looked and she would just look right at them and smile and say "thank you!" We went to eat and she was standing up in the booth saying " I am a princess...wonderful and beautiful!" Oh my goodness I was laughing so much!!! I guess we have done a good job of making sure she is self confident!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

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