We just wanted to wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving day and let you all know how thankful we are for each one of you in our lives. We are truly blessed and so grateful for all we have in our lives!!!! We love you! HUGS!!!!
Scott had the day off yesterday and we decided to go try out a new indoor play place we heard about it! It was SO much fun! They had lots of activities to do! The girls loved all the regular favorites...slides, playground, inflatables....but then they had a BLAST playing air hockey and basketball! Scott has so much fun playing basketball with the girls! It was hilarious! He didn't think I had much skill though...even though I know I do ;) Whit was cracking us up with the way she flips herself around and comes flying down the slide on her stomach! What a little wild woman! What a great time!!! Love to all!
I tried to record the girls doing this silly running game that they love to do! They stand against the wall and yell.. Ready! Steady! Go!... and they run and jump on their anywhere chairs. Whit usually throws something up in the air on her way! Tonight they were being extra silly and I didn't have a lot of luck getting it on tape...here is a clip of what I got! :) Love to you all!
Whitney LOVES to climb into the stuffed animal box and Mallory loves to bury her in until just her head is sticking out! They are so silly and they laugh and laugh! Their laughter is so sweet you can't help but burst out laughing with them...what a wonderful day it is to be sitting and laughing for such a silly reason! :-) I just love this age and cherish this time with the girls! Last night we made chocolate chip cookies and Scott and I were cracking up because they were both helping and Whit was flinging more ingredients out than she was stirring...they were a little flat but they still tasted yummy! Love you guys!
On Thursday the girls and I met Mal's friend from school, Peyton and her mom, Erin and little sister, Lexi at the SA Zoo...Erin's friend Marissa came as well with her little girl Hannah....The girls had a BLAST together.....I don't think they cared all that much if they were at the zoo or not they just loved running around an hanging out. Mal had so much fun with Peyton and Whit was running around with Lexi and Hannah like she was all grown up! Too cute! After the zoo we went out and rode on the miniature train..It was a great day! (Yes, my Kansas friends, it was 80 degrees outside when we were there!!!) It is an awesome zoo and the weather is so nice here we bought a season pass :) Guess what that means...all visitors will get to see the zoo :-) Love to you all!
Since we already celebrated our Thanksgiving in Kansas I was ready to put up all the Christmas decorations! The girls were SO excited and could not wait to help! They did a great job decorating the tree...especially the bottom two rows :-) They helped me get everything "just right" but Mal says Santa can't visit our house because we do not have a fireplace for him to "come shooting down" but she is not too worried about it because Mimi and Papi have two fire places so Santa can shoot down both of those to bring her some presents :-) HILARIOUS! :-) Whitney kept saying...TREE...PREEETY! She would watch me open each box and say..."OHHHHHH! What doing?" I love how fast her vocabulary has been building recently! :) Enjoy the pictures! Love to all!
We have returned to Texas safely and had an amazing trip. I love being at home with my family...and it is SO nice to be in the fall weather. Kansas is so beautiful this time of year. The girls and I had a great trip! I had a very hard time leaving to drive here yesterday the only thing that kept me going was of course Scott being here. I am feeling pretty "blue" today missing my mom and Amy. I know it will be short time before I am home for Christmas but I still just miss them and feel sad today. I would appreciate any prayers! Love to you all!~Sarah
e My mom and Amy and I went to go see Stacey's new house...which is ADORABLE and we are SO excited for her!!!! We left my dad in charge of the girls while we were gone. We told him Whit was asleep and Mal was in her jammies watching a movie...he said he had it under control...when we returned mom said...Papi is probably asleep...we turned the corner into the family room and sure enough Mal is hopping around all over and Papi is sound alseep on the floor! :) My mom says this is why she didn't leave us with him too often...my dad says he single handedly raised us :)hmmm I which one is true???:) WE LOVE YOU!
Mallory LOVES to bake with Mimi and last year Mimi had an apron made for Mallory with her name on it. This year she had a matching apron made for Whitney so they could all bake together. The girls looked SO cute in their aprons! Mal had a great time baking but Whit was more interested in playing with her best pal RUDY! We had so much fun being at my moms house and I miss her so much already! WE LOVE YOU!
I am so bummed that I left my camera at home the day we spend with Grandma Terri...we took the girls to Chuck E Cheese and had a great time! The girls had a blast and were running all over...the game of choice was ski ball...we just had to watch out for the girls over hand throw...YIKES :) Grandma left them with lots of tokens so we will be making another Chuck E Cheese visit soon! :) Grandpa Lee was able to stop by for a few minutes as well :) LOVE YOU!
Uncle Mike Bench was able to come over and hang out with the girls twice :) Which they loved...he even totally sold out and brought them Yo Gabba Gabba toys which is his least favorite show :) When Mal was about Whit's age Uncle Bench created a play dough game where he rolls up the play dough and taps the girls on the head with it and says BING...Mal thought it was hilarious and still does it when we play! Uncle Bench took some time to teach Whit the fun in it! LOVE YOU UNCLE BENCH!
We had such a fun time being with Amy and Adam...we hung out Sunday and ate at Red Robin....we were fortunate enough to have both sides of the family there :) Even Lauren was home! We were just missing Steph and Scott :( Monday we were able to hang out and just do nothing, which WE LOVE! We met mom at Pizza Shoppe for lunch....which has been a tradition for years! YUM! We had family dinner every night and just hung out...what could be better? It is so nice just spending time with family! WE LOVE YOU AMY AND ADAM!!!
I sadly did not take any pictures at Aunt Steph's house in Stillwater, OK but we did have a GREAT time visiting her! We stopped and stayed with Steph Wednesday night and had lots of fun laughing at the girls and their silly slap happiness that night. Then Thursday morning we went out to eat...and Whit REALLY liked the pumpkin pancakes Steph ordered :) She was cracking us up! We also found a darling little boutique and had so much fun shopping around! We can't wait to spend more time with Steph over Christmas! Love you Snuffy!
Mal was SO excited for Uncle Adam to arrive at Mimi's Thursday night....she could not wait to BUILD FORTS! Mal LOVES to build forts with Uncle Adam he is the all time best fort builder....he even makes them two stories and creates the second story out of the couch :) Papi took down the first fort and Mal was pretty bummed but never fear Uncle Adam came back each day that we were in town and constructed a new fort! The girls LOVED it....Whit likes to run in and out and Mal loves to camp out inside with lots of books and stuffed animals. I managed to sneak a picture of her...she was not too pleased :) WE LOVE YOU UNCLE ADAM! :-)
Katie and I had a very successful show at Cure of Ars last weekend! We had a great time spending the day together kid free :) That has not happened in quite some time! We sold a lot of products, my head bands were a hit with these photos of adorable models :) we took some custom orders and felt pretty good about our day! The girls enjoyed eating the lollipops from our center piece. But they REALLY enjoyed spending the day with Mimi and Papi.....especially the part when they went to Monkey Bizness! Mal wants to know when I can go sell hair bows again so she can spend the day with Mimi and Papi :)
In honor of our home KANSAS our girls were Glenda the Good Witch and Dorothy for Halloween this year! Of course you all know that Glenda teaches Dorothy to tap her Ruby Slippers three times and say "There is no place like home!" and she returns to her home in Kansas. That was the perfect theme for us this year! Grandma Terri was so sweet to make the girls costumes from the patterns I found! They turned out awesome and the girls were so excited! Thank you Grandma Terri! We had a GREAT time! The girls had a blast trick or treating and made it to a lot of houses in the neighborhood. We were so glad that Max (Bob the Tomato) and Katie were able to be with us...after trick or treating we went to Kidz Blitz to see Chris (Katie's husband) and the girls got another big bag of candy or KENYO as Whit calls it!! :) We had a great time and we are sending Happy Halloween wishes to all of you!
I am a Jesus loving, wife, mama of 4 and a kindergarten teacher! These are my people and our stories and I am thankful every day for the blessings in our lives!